Empowering through 3D simulator

Empowering through 3D simulators

3D Simulators are widely used in transportation. One of the main purposes of simulators is for training and education. Such simulators are used to train participants under difficult circumstances with no risks for participants and other safety.

Assam Investment Advisory Society (AIAS) donated 3D Simulator Driving to Indian Technical Institute at Nagaon which provide hands on, experimental training to the students. This gives them the confidence to handle a vehicle before they drive on the road.

It gives the students the opportunity to develop and implement peer-to-peer education addressing issues face on the roads. This enables them to keep safe and exercise caution in some of the things that usually ignore while driving.


Social Impact

    The installation of 3D Stimulator prepared trainees to handle safety-critical tasks that may be inappropriate to practice on the road, such as collision avoidance or risky driving
    It helped students understand behavior of virtual traffic, weather conditions, and the road layout that could be manipulated as a function of the training needs or research aims