Empowering with technology

with a new approach

Empowering with technology

Assam Investment Advisory Society plays a significant role in empowering women by promoting education, training and professional development for women.

   It is not just enough to enrol girls and women in education and training programmes; it is equally important that they receive a quality education, in order to ensure appropriate learning outcomes. Technology enables girls and women to have an equal quality education, which leads to personal development, allowing them to manage their lives. There is the need to instil confidence among women so that they can be as good as men in both using and improving the technology.

 With an objective to empower women, Assam Investment Advisory Society donated computers to the Indian Technical (ITI) for Women in Guwahati, Assam.


Social Impact

a) It enabled women learn about the technology world and gave access to the era of Internet.
b) It served as a tool for equality education, which leads to personal development allowing them to manage their lives.
c) The computer instilled confidence among women so that they can be good in both using and improving technology.


Economic Impact

The computers and the Internet have empowered individuals through the power of information; helps in developing relationships with others to share views and experiences; and open doors for learning, entertainment, economic benefits, and autonomy.

Computer Donation


Number of computers donated



Year of donation



Age Group

20 to 25

Designed by Prof. Vikramjit Kakati, PhD, P.Eng